Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Mess.

Finding a topic is no easy task.

  Oh. my. god. What a mess. I spoke out about my dislike for the Men's fashion magazine and I had some skepticism from one of our group members, Camila, but also support from Nikki and Sandra. We decided that it would be too complicated and not creative enough when we know we have more potential than that. We spent most of that period focusing on pros and cons of other topics like: cooking, dogs (highly supported by Nikki), and art. However none stuck with us that well.

   After some time, I thought of why not do an anthropology magazine? Kind of like National Geographic. It seemed great because it can talk about very vast topics like animals, people, places. It wouldn't be hard to think of something to write about for a magazine. For pictures, since they had to be original, we had the benefit the Nikki travels a lot with her family all over the world. So, we did have a lot of original pictures from every continent. We all loved it, but we still had to check in with Camila, who had left at the beginning of class due to a lacrosse game. 

  Later that night in our groupchat, we told Camila about our idea and she liked it but then brought up a photography magazine instead. Sandra was instantly hooked since she has a lot of photographer friends and could do a piece about it, and Nikki was cool with anything since she had her pictures from her travels. I have to admit I was a little upset because my idea had been shot down but whatever. We would figure it out later.


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